Harry Potter Books Wiki

The Restricted Section is a room at the back of the Hogwarts library in Hogwarts Castle. The students who wish to enter the section have to get a signed note from a professor. It is cordoned off with a rope.[1] It appears throughout the Harry Potter book series.

In the Restricted Section are books about the Dark Arts that are not taught at the school but provide information to older students that are studying advanced Defence Against the Dark Arts.[1]


In December of his first year, Harry Potter needed to find a book about Nicolas Flamel. He thought the Restricted Section would have a book so he tried to get in. The libriarian, Irma Pince caught him near the section and told him he better stay out of it. She demanded that he leave the library, using a feather duster to chase him. One evening, Harry used the Cloak of Invisibility to sneak out of the common room past curfew. He opened a book that started screaming which drew the attention of Argus Filch which made him run away.[1]

In December of their second year, Harry, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger used Professor Lockhart to get permission to enter the Restricted Section. Pince was sceptical of their permission slip but had to concede it was not fake. She let them borrow the book, Moste Potente Potions.[2]


Many of the books in the room are ancient and have names in other languages written in gold letters. There are also books with no name. There is one large silver and black book that will scream when it is opened and continues to shriek even when it is closed.[1]

Book Borrowers Date
Moste Potente Potions[2]
Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger
November - December 1992

Notes and sources[]
